Pungenday 70 Discord, 2784 YOLD (May 23, 1618 AD) Prague: a few royal officials were thrown out a window of Hradcany Castle by some noblemen, but survived the fall by landing in a cart full of manure. The date for this event falls on an extremely Illuminated day of the Gregorian Calendar, 5/23.
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One thought on “celebrate the Defenestration of Prague Day”
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Thanks. Added the Defenestration of Prague Day to my calendar.
Also today:
Jake Day Jr. (Discordians for Jesus)/Day of the Elppin (Mythics of Harmonia)
Pull some small Jakes or practical jokes, especially those that cause embarrassment or the loss of personal modesty. In other words, do like the Elppin do. Remember, junior jakes should be fun! And legal. Don’t forget legal.