new actors to switch power on/off and measure power usage by AVM

Usually the actors that allow you to switch power on/off and who measure power usage use the 434Mhz or 868Mhz wireless bands to communicate with their base station. Now the german manufacturer AVM came up with a solution that allows you to switch on/off (with an actual button on the device itself and wireless!) and […]

ELV MAX! Cube and the Solar-log 500 – state of the reverse engineering and h.a.c.s.

It’s been some weeks since I wrote a status update on the ELV MAX! cube protocol reverse engineering and integration into my own home automation project called h.a.c.s.. So first of all I want to give a short overview over what has been achieved so far: I wrote a C# library, highly influenced by a […]

ELV Max! Cube – home automation for the heating

For several years now I am building my own home automation tools by putting together existing hardware and self-written software. As the central software core of my home automation system I use h.a.c.s. – “home automation control server” which I put up as open source software on GitHub. Throughout the years I was able to […]

my little home automation project has a home

Hurray! One of those EzControl XS1 plus some sensors and actors is on the way to me. So I can finally start the little holiday project which will be called “HACS” (Home Automation Control Server). The source code and documentation repository is up on GitHub as of now – you can access it here: […]