maybe I should…

…switch this website to another weblog software in the future. The dasBlog development isn’t exactly what I would call fast-paced. It even seems that there was no movement at all for the last year at all regarding new features.

I took a short look at a current WordPress installation we did for our Developer Website at sones – and I have to admit that feature-wise this WordPress is way beyond anything I could achieve in dasBlog anytime soon.


Additionally the fact that the skin of this site seems to be broken (especially for older browsers) I would have to do a skin-redesign – turns out that this is way easier in WordPress than it is in dasBlog.

One thought on “maybe I should…

  1. Look into ExpressionEngine. In my mind, the best solution out there. I use it to run my sites, but don’t use me as an example. WordPress is pretty cool, but EE give you even more flexibility. Not as easy to skin as WordPress, but so much more powerful.

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